The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs The Association of Gaelic Choirs

The Association of Gaelic Choirs

"The Association aim to promote, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of the art and science of music and in particular Gaelic Choral Music. It was formed purely as a representative body seeking to further the interests of all Gaelic Choirs.  It is a governing body and does not interfere in any way whatsoever with the management or work of any individual choir.  Our role is to negotiate on behalf of Gaelic Choirs and to strengthen the common bonds between us."

An Comunn Gàidhealach - Monthly Newsletter

This has already been sent out to choir secretaries. For those who may not have seen it, here is the direct link to the newsletter section of the ACG website.

Gaelic Choirs

Soisgeul, the Gaelic Gospel Choir

  • A new choir has emerged in the world of Gaelic Choirs. Following on from Kenny Thomson's comment at Inverness Castle during the National Mod, calling the Massed Choirs, Scotland's National Gaelic Choir, an exciting project is happening this year to open up new opportunities for singers to perform.

    Soisgeul, the Gaelic Gospel Choir

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