An Comunn Gàidhealach - Monthly Newsletter
This has already been sent out to choir secretaries. For those who may not have seen it, here is the direct link to the newsletter section of the ACG website.
"The Association aim to promote, develop and maintain public education in and appreciation of the art and science of music and in particular Gaelic Choral Music. It was formed purely as a representative body seeking to further the interests of all Gaelic Choirs. It is a governing body and does not interfere in any way whatsoever with the management or work of any individual choir. Our role is to negotiate on behalf of Gaelic Choirs and to strengthen the common bonds between us."
Pictures kindly provided by Graham Hood Photography. To purchase pictures from previous Mods, visit
Fàilte dhuibh uile gu larach linn Comunn nan Còisirean Gàidhlig.
Welcome to the website of Comunn na Còisirean Gàidhlig – the Gaelic Choirs’ Asscoiation.
The association exists to support Gaelic choirs, foster their existence and, where possible, to encourage new choirs to be founded.
If you are in any way interested in joining a Gaelic choir you can locate your nearest choir on this site, or, alternatively, contact us for information.
Singing is Fun!
Singing is good for your health!
Singing is glamorous!
What's not to like about singing? You get to make beautiful music that speaks to your soul and to the souls of others. You get to make other people happy with your music. Singing in a Gaelic Choir is like having an extended family.
The Association has close links with An Comunn Gàidhealach in relation to Mòd events for choirs and represents the views of choirs to An Comunn.
We are delighted to provide practical help to new and existing choirs, including assisting anyone who has an interest in conducting – especially since a scarcity of conductors is the major problem which choirs encounter.
Please do not hesitate to contact me on email or by phoning me on 0776 583 4210.
Leis gach deagh dhùrachd.
Jackie Cotter, President
This has already been sent out to choir secretaries. For those who may not have seen it, here is the direct link to the newsletter section of the ACG website.
A new choir has emerged in the world of Gaelic Choirs. Following on from Kenny Thomson's comment at Inverness Castle during the National Mod, calling the Massed Choirs, Scotland's National Gaelic Choir, an exciting project is happening this year to open up new opportunities for singers to perform.